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Minotaur sititng on a throne of boxes while looking through their phone

It's the end of his world but just a shopping spree to her


Martin&#44s feet dragged, leaden, against broken bottle shards and other mild city debris. He fought for every step with a ragged breath that clung to his dry throat. She promised he would be free if he could just…

​Even though he hasn&#44t seen her yet, he can feel her velvet touch on clammy, cold skin. That touch; warm, soothing like home. Threatening to wrap him up forever after. He can be free of her today, finally. Done with her before lunch with his fiancee, before the holiday with the family.

I choose Melissa, I love her and we are happy. Our future is bright and… Martin&#44s body rattled from a sudden, violent cough. His hands clutched his chest. As if holding himself would, somehow, cool the burning blossom of pain radiating from each cough. His dry tongue, scraping along the backsides of his teeth as he forced air through his nose. I f-f-felt you deserved this…the closure. So, to your face, Yara. Good bye.

Martin continued to practice his speech. The words grew hollow, emptying as he grew closer to his destination, closer to Yara. Just another block away but every step was getting harder and he could hear his teeth chattering.

When he turned the corner, he felt her before seeing her. Standing at the ATM, her siky ebony hair flowing down to her chest. Equal parts seduction and apathy in her unflinching gaze. This woman, after today, would be just another mistake in his past.

He closed the distance between them quickly now, one foot in front of the other. His confidence swelled with each step, bolstering him as he neared the end. The heaviness and weariness that plagued him earlier falling from his shoulders. His limbs with each inch closer; lightening. Finally, standing with his chest out and heavy with pride. Martin's eyes focused on Yara, to look at her one last time. The words came so easily.

Miss Yara, I can&#44t go back to that sad, stupid bullshit life. Fuck my parents, my fiancee, all of it. I…I need you back inside me. Please…I was wrong to run away. I…I know that now and if you please-please make it-. Please, just, make it like it was before. I-I will never fight you again. I will do anything you command.

Yara looked into Martin&#44s eyes. She let the slightest smirk play across her lips, as she felt Martin surrender. His false pretenses melted away as he felt her filling his mind. He could feel HER will surging through his limbs. As his own will dissolved; Martin could love himself again. Knowing somehow she'd be happier because of him.

Written: Dev-X / Art: Alvaro Estrada | Stock & Bull Entertainment


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