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On the verge of a new era for mankind, a clandestine group of international entities
are losing its grip on a centuries old secret;
The Superman Is Real.


You have powers,
You are not the only one,
You are not the first.

Your world is changing. When your head hit that pillow last night, you remember hearing that often promised tomorrow was finally here. The sun had risen for the last time in the old, ugly, messy, ignorant world. Your world was on the eve of that fresh, new slate; that push of the button reset, clouds part the sky for easy living and hands together in Kumbayatopia. And why wouldn't it be; look at all these great advancements in Augmented Reality, allowing you to layer your own digital world over this one. Hive mind drone deliveries covering once inaccessible civilians, living databases, Foundation Funds providing a lifeline to under-earning families, Heuristic intelligence being pushed into every facet of life, S.H.E.L.Ls, P.M.Cs and a dozen other algorithm optimized premium acronyms.

But when you opened your eyes, the world was still just as ugly, messy and ignorant. . You weren't blinded to the metastasized corruption in the pillars of our way of life, blinded to its own failings as more and more victims slip through the cracks. Because if tomorrow was supposed to bring better times; why, with all of these great advancements, were you and the average person still doing everything they could to just survive!?

Unfortunately, tomorrow isn’t a day away, it’s being kept at bay draped in hallmarks more akin to a dystopian perversion. Governments taking radical steps to solidify their holdings. Corporations trademarking and hawking what they have decided to be "the next big thing". And Organized Crime becoming a crutch for the less fortunate.

Fortunately, today you woke up with the power to change that.


No, the public doesn't know.
Yes, you’re working to keep it that way.

There's a lot that the Civies don't know about the Cold War and how many times it came close to bursting out into full scale devastation. Things were only Cold on the surface but underneath, in the shadows, the war roared. Things took a turn for the commies when they started fielding their crazy, pinko hyper-tech. If the gear didn't burst into flames or liquefy nearby avian genitals, it turned a red farmer into a soviet super man. Their commander, the iron-jawed Stalin clone; the man made war-machine, The Communist Supreme and his unassailable soviet science super soldier regiment silently started gaining premium positions for the pinko regime to strike down key western cities in America and Europe.

Enter the Department of Anti Nuclear Guardians Enforcing Restrictions. D.A.N.G.E.R, our unique answer to the unassailable. D.A.N.G.E.R was made of Exim, just like you. Trained, disciplined, patriotic agents who used their power to stamp out the “hot spots” of the Cold war but not for recognition. If not for their heroic efforts, the Cold War could have gone on way beyond 1999. They closed that chapter of history neatly in time for the new millennium.

But the times changed, the old guard gave way to new leaders. Budgets were cut and, with the Cold War resolved, D.A.N.G.E.R was shuttered. Now, their legacy; the very world that they helped to shepard is falling apart but it will be ok, you're here now and their legacy is just waiting to be inherited by you.


Yes, you’re inheriting D.A.N.G.E.R’s legacy
Yes, you're the shepherd of Tomorrow
Trust Us.

You have the tools to change the world but that's too big a project, that would fail before it even began. It starts with this, Project: Powerpunk. This project, started near the dissolution of D.A.N.G.E.R and was to be deployed to avert the collapse of our way of life. As an agent within a cell of Project: Powerpunk, you're tasked to do the same.

One can see this world is desperate for the right “Tomorrow”, and we are bringing it steady but hard. In the city, this “Head-down, fall-in, nose-grind, don't-think, get-mine, screw human nature" attitude. It's caked into the very concrete. These New Yorkers wear it like a worn in pair of sweats. It bemoans me to say; it's spreading and why shouldn't it. Look around this big, little-world of networks and you’ll find the same problems. Flailing, thrashing bureaucrats. Businesses that are getting too greedy; trying to swallow each other whole. And the proliferation of organized crime. City government fat-cats, conglomerates and crime bosses striving to get an advantage over their rivals. Let alone each other. But they’ll be no match for the combined efforts of your affiliated handler and cell.

Under the mentorship of your trusted handler; you are informed, trained and directed. Taking actions that will install grand changes through micro-social-economic intervention. Your handler is the superior officer and acts with our approved autonomy.