We finally got the first four social styles done.
Paper Tyger - Fear is your currency and people are walking money bags.
(Base) Quake with fear: The attacker indulges in the fear they inflicted and gains Resolve as their demoralized target loses Resolve.
Agitator - Pushing peoples buttons is how you get things done.
(Base) Crouching Straw-man, Hidden Dagger: Making a weaker attack and chancing getting struck by the target to have them hurt themselves.
Bargainer - Keeping them talking is your first win.
(Base) I'd buy that for a Dollar: Using your target's desire for an item/goods or service against them.
Seducer - The deadliest prison is built from bliss.
(Base) Open up your heart: Sacrifice your emotional footholds in a target to build a Commitment fortress.
Social gear is also up and running. With these finished, Social combat is now whole and in full Beta! This means the ability to social attack, defend, parry, ensnare, emotionally manipulate and weaponize commitments are now added to the player's bag of tricks. We'll be posting a more in depth Devblog later on in the month.
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