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Minotaur sititng on a throne of boxes while looking through their phone

PR with Status Infliction: Poverty


PR and sales are not my bag, man. Never learned how and now I have the loosest understanding of them. I know we need pictures, actual plays, setting themed short stories[pics for them shorties too], a better social media presence, networking, media friendly material[quick and easy for a person to scan though and understand], an email list, maybe a discord, logos, a convention budget, a healthy relationship with local hobby stores AND all that is just to get to the crowdfunding!

Now I know this is going to be hard to believe but ... we are dirt poor, like "a friend of ours hasn't noticed that they're still getting charged for this site" poor. But we've been pushing forward with the small amount of change we've been able to scrounge up. But in a field that's damn near choked with Homebrews, Supplements and stories with plug and play rules; pocket lint and bottle caps might not be enough to stand out.

standoutWorldTour.jpg I will NOT Apologize for Who I Am!

So how do you stand out with little to no money? Not sure but we're going to find out! Time to play the poorest riskiest game of corporate PR Risk. First; lets take an inventory on what we can do and afford. We do have a number of images, Dev-X is a GM, our keyboards function and I used to edit audio and video ..... Okay I think I've got a cunning plan!

Plan: So cunning you can slap a tail on it and call it a Fox!

• Finish the editing the rules.

• Make a Setting Introduction and character creation video.

• Write some flash fictions for the images we do have.

• Run and release a Few Actual Plays.

• Release a playable Demo.

• Release a few videos where we rebuild known character's with our system.

• Judge reactions from work and made adjustments.

• See if we can get our discord up and running.

I'm not a hundred percent on the order but that's the long and short of it. ​I won't lie these may be the actions of desperate men but trying is better than doing nothing. We just hope we come off as struggling creators and not like ....



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